Posted in books, Generative AI

Side quest: A trip to the library

I learn by reading and then doing. I also read a lot because 1) I read faster than trying to get through videos, and 2) one of my superpowers is synthesizing information from disparate sources, and it’s fun! YMMV. Embrace different learning styles! Most of these titles are also available as audiobooks.

Since my book budget is nowhere near what I would like it to be, I am extremely grateful to my library (and occasionally it’s partnership with Hoopla) for having most of these titles available. Of the following list, one or two are available on Kindle Unlimited and I only had to buy three. My favorite Chrome extension for checking my library is LibraryExtension. I like Reader/Readwise for note taking and resurfacing things I have highlighted. And, of course, Storygraph to keep track of all the stats.

AI Dilemma; 7 Principles for Responsible Technology, by Juliette Powell and Art Kleiner
I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique, by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines, by Joy Buolamwini
Adaptive Ethics for Digital Transformation, by Mark Schwartz
The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century’s Greatest Dilemma
Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans
Humble Consulting: How to Provide Real Help Faster
AI Superpowers

  • The AI Generation: Shaping Our Global Future with Thinking Machines, by Olaf Groth and Mark Nitzberg
    • An update edition of Solomon’s Code—now The A.I. Generation—the thought-provoking examination of artificial intelligence and how it reshapes human values, trust, and power around the world.
  • Reimagined:Building Products with Generative AI, by Shyvee Shi, Caitlin Cai and Dr. Yiwen Rong
    • Reimagined: Building Products with Generative AI is your essential guide in this transformative journey. It’s not just about understanding AI and Generative AI technologies; it’s about strategically harnessing them to drive innovation, team efficiency, and market success.
  • Being Heumann, by Judith Heumann
    • One of the most influential disability rights activists in US history tells her personal story of fighting for the right to receive an education, have a job, and just be human.

      A story of fighting to belong in a world that wasn’t built for all of us and of one woman’s activism—from the streets of Brooklyn and San Francisco to inside the halls of Washington—Being Heumann recounts Judy Heumann’s lifelong battle to achieve respect, acceptance, and inclusion in society.
  • The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values by Brian Christian
    • Today’s “machine-learning” systems, trained by data, are so effective that we’ve invited them to see and hear for us—and to make decisions on our behalf. But alarm bells are ringing. Recent years have seen an eruption of concern as the field of machine learning advances. When the systems we attempt to teach will not, in the end, do what we want or what we expect, ethical and potentially existential risks emerge. Researchers call this the alignment problem.
  • Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change by April Rinne
    • Whether readers are sizing up their career, reassessing their values, designing a product, building an organization, trying to inspire their colleagues, or simply showing up more fully in the world, enjoying a flux mindset and activating their flux superpowers will keep readers grounded even when the ground is too often shifting beneath them.
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I’ll leave you with this PSA to support your local library

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